I serve too many masters

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I was just having this conversation with my brother the other day and I thought it was important enough to share with everyone. Over the last few years, my brother has gotten more into the musical side of music versus the listening side of music (although he does do both quite frequently). By "the musical side of music", I mean he has starting to actually listen to the drum parts or the guitar parts and is starting to break these things down to learn to play them, versus just listening and saying, "Wow that's awesome.". So I was telling him that now with this new found listening skill, he should go back and listen to the music that got him to where is he today. Currently he is very into Lamb of God, Mastodon, Amon Amarth, Goat Whore, etc. and I told him go back throw on Vulgar Display of Power by Pantera and really listen to it. It'll blow you away.

For those of you who know me, know that I'm into mostly heavy music with some rare exceptions. Sometimes, some of my favorite bands/CD's are forgotten about because they either broke up or haven't put out a new album in an extensive period of time. A perfect example of this is, Pantera. Don't get me wrong, almost every single time I pick up my guitar, you can be damn sure that I rip out some Cowboys From Hell, but that doesn't mean that I'm playing along with the CD or even playing the whole song and sadly enough, the Pantera story died along with Dimebag (R.I.P. Brother!).

The other day, I was hanging out with the boys and "Fucking Hostile" came on randomly and I said to myself, "Self, you need to throw that album back in the mix.", in which case, I did. Goddamn that album is amazing. Vulger Display of Power is now currently in my car, on my iTunes and on my phone. Long story short, go back and give the albums that got you where you are today. You'll thank yourself.